Legal Information

All users of the Community Lab equipment, services, and website are required to understand and sign a copy of the most recent Terms & Conditions document, downloadable below.  Additionally, SCOP (Southwest Center for Optics and Photonics) asks that you read and abide by the Code of Conduct and Best Practices shown below.  Please be courteous of other companies time, effort, and equipment!


  • Be clear in your communications – Say what you will do and then do what you say.

  • Represent your equipment, facility, or services accurately.

  • Represent your activities accurately.

  • Agree and adhere to a schedule.

  • Return equipment in the same or better working order as received.

  • Adhere to any agreed upon use limits (lab environment, stays in town, only used by folks trained in ESD, FOD, Laser Safety, etc.) as defined by the agreeing parties.

  • Communicate with other company of any status changes.

  • Develop a concise, clear and simple contract for performance, cost, schedule and any unique company requirements for the activity or service.

  • Treat others’ work and equipment as you would your own.

  • Communicate with SCOP any issues with scheduling, handling, or other related concerns which may occur.

  • Identify and be responsible for applicable calibrations of equipment and the appropriate use.

Forms / Documents